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Control Systems

Integrated solutions for Room Control and Management


Node Systems

Program complex logic-flows in a visual way using the Vertex node system. Join properties of different devices or systems and use any number of processing nodes to achieve highly customized and interactive automation without writing a line of code.


Device Model

Vertex comes with an extensive device library allowing the user to control projectors, production switchers and light fixtures sensors and kinetic solutions.



Automate playbacks or generate customized control scenarios. Vertex offers a built-in scripting language with access to all settings & properties. Scripts can be used everywhere: in Cues, Clips, trigger they can even be sent from external devices



Featuring a calendar style interface, Vertex offers simple scheduling of tasks with customizable repetition patterns


Control Hardware

POE powered installation tablets with a proprietary software solution for easy configuration via Vertex 

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4" Control Panel

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5.5" Control Panel

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10" Control Panel

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